Monday, October 27, 2008

Not the Tulip Sock

Okay Ruth is having a mystery kal, for socks, and I, being the sucker...I mean knitter that I am, have signed up for it.

Just so you know I am still plugging way on the fetching and have half the second set done.

Well here is a picture of the sock I am calling Not the Tulip Sock, for lack of a better name at the moment.

Ruth First Mystery Sock


Ruth said...

Nice pattern! ;-D

I found the tulip sock and pattern!

Jo at Celtic Memory Yarns said...

Gosh I love that design! Looks like baby cables. I knew I should've signed up for Ruth's KAL. Maybe there's still time...? And I have an autumnal orange that would be just like yours too.

Ruth said...

I mentioned you on my blog. Now you have to blog again. Mwahahaha!