Sunday, November 12, 2006

So Much Fiber, So Little Time

Well, I sat down today and took stock of my fiber. I have two pounds of Gotland screaming to be spun, but I have BLF on my Babe, and all six of my drop spindles have something on it. The two pounds of Alpaca are also asking when it will be their turn, not to mention the Coltsworth and Wenlsydale...*sign* Not to forget the silk hankies and caps.

I guess I just went a tad overboard.

Especially when I then turned around to see about ordering a new pattern off the web, and a pound of the most prettiest colored Shetland, mahogany, I have seen.

Well like they say, no rest for the wicked and the righteous need none...

As for the yarn in my last picture, I am planning a feather and fan scarf for the silk, but still kind up in the air on the BLF. I am only half done on carding and spinning that one. Seems the more I get done, the more what is left in the bag grows. Not to mention the lovely chocolate brown BLF I just got that needs carding and spinning.

I think I need to go to an FA meeting (Fiber anonymous).

Friday, November 10, 2006

Been Awhile

I know its be awhile, but I have been kind of busy of late, I have a long term sub job as a Kindergarten teacher, and I have had a lot to do. But now that I have gotten into the swing of it, it is getting better.

Well there it is, my latest yarn. I know the picture is not that great, kind of dark, sorry.

The dark one was a silk hankie, and the white/cream color is my BLF that is picture on this blog somewhere, lol.
The strange thing is as I watched myself spin it up, I noticed that it had happened. Now you may ask what, so I shall tell you. I am no longer doing designer yarn. My yarn is coming out all nice and even now. I don't know if I should be happy or sad. It is like the end of an era, lol.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Well I am now starting a new shawl today. It is the sheep shawl and I belong to a kal, so they should be able to help me, as the pattern does get somewhat confusing as we go along.

Other than that I broke down and ordered some wool carders. I like them, and they are just a little cheaper then a drum carder. But I the more I card by hand the better those drum carders look.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Went to the Fair Today

Well, I have been waiting and waiting for the fair, so that I could find some people around here that are into spinning. Well, I did, only it seemed I knew more than they did, plus they didn't seem that interested in sharing any spinning stories either. All I did find out was that you can take a pencil and shove it through a potato and you have a drop spindle.

What I was wondering was...what happens when the potato goes bad?

Also they did tell me they had a guild, sort of, they go up south to a weaving guild. Then they seemed more interested in me coming to their little craft fair to buy stuff. It was not what I expected. Also the fleeces that were entered where only six sheep and four alpacas. Then the entries....only like four afghans, and one sweater, three or four baby blankets and sweater. I was really disappointed. I guess I will have to stop reading about all the really great fairs back east, lol.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Not Much Going On

Not too much has been going on of late, got some more gotland, so now I have a pound of it. Also some Wensleydale, in black, and some Cotwold. So I now have a lot of carding to do, as I have not even touched the alpaca I got awhile back....

The local fair is here, and I plan to go on Sunday, and see what they have. Hopefully I will find a guild to work with, or at least some kind of contact here in town.

Also I broke down and put myself on the list for a Bosworth Moosie Spindle. It should be here in March of 2007, plenty of time to save up for it. They are made of Moose antler, and there is sixty people in front of me. Also they have to wait for the Moses to shed their horns and such.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It Came

Well, it came, my BFL, using just the intials as I can't spell it out. It is even better than I thought it would be. I was also pleased with the lady I bought it from. She is in U.K. I ordered it off of Ebay.

Now I am just waiting from my Gotland, which I am also getting about seven oz of. And just to let you know I did not order the Gotland, cause it was the wool they used to make the Elves capes in Lord of the Rings, or the fact that Legolas was wearing it either. I just wanted to try out new and different wool types. (And if you buy that, I also have a brigde in San Fransico for sale as well.)

I also just order some Black Wensleydale Curl. Have no idea what it is, but it is black and I can't wait to try it. This I am getting about 8 oz of, all have been washed and I just need to card it.

The thing about the BFL is I thought it would be white, but in fact is kind of a cream color. Makes me wonder how much wool is really a white color, or has to be bleached or dyed white?

Monday, September 11, 2006

On Its Way

Well, I found some washed fleece that I can card on Ebay. I bought the first 200 grams, which should equal to around 7 oz, of Blue Face Leischer, I might be spelling it wrong.

Then I was looking around on that sellers sight some more, and I ran across some Gotland.

Now Gotland is kind of special to me, as it is the wool that was used to make the Elves cloaks in Lord of the Rings, all three movies. So I can't wait to get it, as it will kind of be like the stuff the Elves used...sort of, well at least in my mind it will be, so it okay. (And I know that because my imageary friend said so. Just kidding.)

It should all be here hopefully by Friday, or the first of next week as it is coming from the U.K.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Been Awhile

So what am I up to now?

Been working on my Pinwheel Sweater, and I am almost done, just got to finish that I-cord on the bottom, and sleeves, which means it is almost done? Only thing is my sister and niece saw it, so they both want one now.

Also been working on my sock, using Wendy's Gen. sock pattern, partway done with the first sock.

Been spinning on my Bosworth Spindle, spins like a true dream, which kind of makes me think of getting another one, someday, righ after I get a Greensleeves.

And I have started clue six of my Mystery Stole...YAY.

And I have been playing this interesting Vampire game, yeah I can be weird at times, I love horror movies and Scifi. That is why I want the Gotland Fleece so I can have some wool just like they used in LOTR. lol

This is the site address, well a part of the game that kind of helps me out in it. There is nothing bad about it, or religon wise or anything like that, if anyone would feel like clicking on it, I would be greatful. And don't worry, nothing bad will happen to you. Thanks ahead of time.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Look What I Did

Yay, I am ever so excited, I finally figured out how to add buttons to the sidebar. (Does the happy dance.) What really makes me happy is that I suck big times with html, stuff. So when I figure something out, it makes me feel really great.

Other that that, I have become a silk junkie of late. I have just bought from Ebay, four silk hankies and now from The Silkworker.

I just ordered two silk caps. I think I may need help. LOL

Monday, August 21, 2006

Back From the fair

And this is the Alpaca I could just not leave the show without. I thought was so cute, I just couldn't leave it behind. Thus I now have my own little Alpaca.

Here are the two spindle that I got. The one with the tag is my Bosworth's Spindle, the one I had in my hand when the lady told me I must be new, as I had a drop spindle in my hand, thus I didn't know anything. She must of been the one that didn't know anything, as the woman there selling them was say they were the Cadillac of drop spindles. So go figure.

Here is the wool that I bought at the show, along with the carders I bought. I think the colors are nice. You can even see the Alpaca I need to card over on the side, it looks blue, but is really a nice shade of light gray.

Here is the picture of one of the eight month old baby Alpacas that we saw at the show. She was really, friendly, and ever so cute.

I had always thought them to be bigger, but that might be, because I have only seen Lamas.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Really Excited

Well, I am finally going to get to go to a fiber fest. It is the one put on by Spindicity,

It is being held in Santa Monica, which is like two hours from Bakersfield. I have roped in my neice and her friend to go with me, as I didn't want to drive all that way by myself. The bad thing is that I can only go on the last day, so I am hoping it is not all sold out of all the really good stuff. I mostly want to go to see the Alpacas...yeah right, and all the fiber, spindels and wheels as well.

Also I just ordered a new spindel from

It is going to be of the head of a black unicorn, the only thing is it will take six to eight weeks to get it, as she is really busy. Oh well, sometimes you just have to wait for the good things in life.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Here we see my first ever attempt at a log cabin, as done from the Mason*Dixon book. Great book by the way, has lots and lots of nice patterns in it. My Mother has already claim this one for her own, plus a neighbor also hinted that these were her favorite colors...

Thus I am afraid to show it to either my sister or my niece and thier friends...

This is my first shot at double plying, not too bad if you ask me. In fact I saw that same kind of mutant yarn in a shop. They were asking for about $48.00 a skein, and their yarn was done on

Well here is my Mystery Stole 2. I am still on clue four, and my first ball of yarn is slowly fading, but I think there is still enough to finish it. Been looking at different kinds of joins for it so when the time comes I will be ready for it.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

More Time Has Slipped By

Well, once again I have taken my sweet time coming back here to post. So let see what is going on in my little knitting and spinning world.

Well, first off, I went and got Wendy's book, great book, first thing I did, with all her great patterns...was to knit a mouse from it for Tohru. Which is okay, I am now in the middle of knitting a sock pattern from it.

Second, I got the Mason*Dixon Book, another great book. I am knitting the log cabin pattern from that one.

Along with my Icarus Shawl, which I must admit is turning out very well this time. Also my Pin Wheel sweater is doing great as well, along with my various wheel and drop spindel things I am doing.

My favorite project right now is still the Mystery Stole 2. Tomorrow the last clue comes out. Kind of sad...right now I am on row 137 of clue three, one side, so I still have a way to go.

I am going to a fiber fest down south, well the one in Santa Monica, I am so excited. I am hoping to get some silk/wool topping, as I am hoping to make something for the fair next year.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Well, here it is, my latest passion, silk. It is four oz of the most prettiest silk I have ever seen. But then again it is my first order of it, and I am sure one day I will find prettier. But for now, I am in love.

That is the spindle, (a blood wood, and ebony shaft) I am planning to spin it on, haven't decide what I am going to make out of it yet, but I do have a idea or two.

Other than that not much more to say, except I am almost on to clue three on my Mystery Stole 2, and I have decided to frog the Icarus, and start it over, since I found out my yarn over have been all wrong. Too late for the MS2 though, as I am not going to start it over.

The Pin Wheel Sweater is doing fine as well, I am going to have to get a picture of it up here one of these day....

Monday, July 31, 2006

What's Been Going On

Well, so far all that has happened of late is that Tohru, my kitty was rubbing up against a chair where my knitting was. She got scared and took off down the hallway. Bet you can't guess what was stuck to her fur? I all most had a heartattach. As I am now on clue two, row 75, 70 when Tohru got it stuck on her. Luckily nothing bad happen, it stayed on the needles and I did not lose any of my hard work.

Working on row four of my Pin Wheel, and tomorrow I have to go and get a tentus shot. Silly me, on Saturday, I turned to get out of my bedroom really quick, bumped into the door, fell back and put a size eight aluminum knitting needle into my leg three inches. Then my mother asked when was the last time I had a tentus shot, so guess where I am going tomorrow, seems that eighteen years since the last one is too long. But other than that, I am okay, and even went shopping the same day.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Here It Is

Know I haven't posted in a while, kind of been busy. But here it is a picture of my Mystery Stole. It is both part one and some of part two. I know I am kind of behind, but I really had a hard time starting, and had to frog a lot, really a lot.

But now all is well, and I am doing much better. Only thing is I am kind of scare for when it come time to start the other way, but heck I have four more clues to get through before then. I am doing it on size 3, strait needles. For some reason it seems ever so much more easier.

The only other thing is that I have discovered silk, and am now a silk spinning junkie, heaven help me. I really, really like it. Right now I am spinning what was sent to me in a sample. More of the same should be coming on Wed. I am so excited.

And the Pin Wheel sweater is coming along really well as well. The only thing on hold right now is my Icarus Shawl. But I plan to get back to it really soon.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

What Is Going On Right Now

I know it has been some time since I posted. What has been happening of late is that I have been spinning, and loving it. I just got past row 34, on my Mystery Stole, which I thought was cursed, as that was the place I would always have to frog everything back to the beginning with.
I have put the Icarus Shawl on hold, and started another project. It is called a Pinwheel Sweater. I t like a giant circle with arms. When I get more of it done I will post a picture of it.

Other than that, not much is going on.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Well, there she is, my first ever spinning wheel. It is a Babe made out of PVC pipe. I am so excited, as I am going to learn how to spin on it tomorrow. I mean I know how to drop spinndle, and just got two really nice new ones from Oregon. (Will put pictures up of them later, as today is my Babe's day.)

I have some Lilac Angora, and some bat roving to choose from to spin on it for the first time, but am not sure which I will do, as I think the Angora needs to be card. Can you tell I am still new to all of this?

I have had it for at least three days, but did not have the time to put it together as I was studying for a huge test so I can teach school. But now that is over with I can get on to more important things in life, like knitting my Mystery Stole, my Icarus Shawl, and spinning.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Mad At Myself

Was working on my Mystery Stole, and I admit it is late at night, and I made a mistake. But in order to fix it I had to take out a row, which for some reason caused a second mistake, which I tried to fix...

Well... everytime I tried to fix it, it just got worst, then I got mad...

Ribbit, Ribbit, I could hear them calling my name. So I plan to start over in the morning as it is 1:16 in the am here in good old Bakersfield, Ca.

But then tomorrow is another day, and clue three is coming out...

I just guess I am getting frustrated, as everyone else seems to be doing so great. But I guess I just have to realize that people make mistakes, and just start over again.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Time to Show It Off

Well, here it is, my first ball of hand spun yarn. I think it is kind of mutant in the way it looks, and it keeps begging me to felt it in a purse or something.

Yet I am very pround of it, and may still knit it into a pair of Voodoo Wrist Warmers.

Other than that, my knitting and spinning has slowed down a little as I have to study for a huge CSet test on Saturday. Well, I really am not slowing down as I knit betwen questions, but don't tell anyone.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My Babe Spinning Wheel came today, and I am really excited, it is sitting on the bed at the moment, which is ticking off Tohru, as she likes to sleep all over it. She likes to sleep on her back and spreads out a great deal. She weighs almost 15 pounds. Kind of small for a Ragdoll Cat, but I lover her anyway.There she is in all her regal beauty. She also likes to fix the bed her way, lol.

Well, here is my first picture of my Mystery Stole. I am on about row 23, and have had no bad mistakes (knock on wood) yet. So I am kind of happy with it.

I should post it up at the Flicker site, but it is kind of fuzzy, maybe I will wait till I get a really good one of it.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I Live To Frog

It seems of late, all I do is frog my lace projects. I have restarted my Icarus Shawl at least ten times, and my Mystery Stole at least eight times...sigh, I am beginning to think that I will never be able to knit lace...(sniff, sniff)

Well, all I can do is start over again, and hope for the best.

But on the bright spinning is doing ever so much better, almost got my one wool all spun and ready to start on the red wool.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Since I haven't put any pictures up lately, I thought I would do this one of Sadie. She doesn't mind the collar, but she has never forgiven me for the hat.

Well, things are going good as of now, the Mystery Stole is really turning out, even though I am still on the first part. I am hoping to get it done and start the second clue, then play catch up on the second half.

Also I have ordered a really nice hand made spindle from Spindlewood Company, It should be here next week, and it is made out of purple wood, so it should be nice. I will try and get some pictures up here soon, of both the stole and the spindle.

Monday, July 10, 2006

All Is Well

The Mystery Shawl is going ever so much better now. I will try and get some picture of it up as soon as I get the first clue done. I think what is helping me the most is the fact I have eight stitch markers. One at the two stitch mark on the ends, then two in the middle, and two inbetween those. Thus I have a total of eight of them. Every fifteen, fifteen, seventeen, one, fifteen, fifteen, seventeen, and it seems to help me out a great deal.

Maybe I should try that with my Icarus? Don't worry, I have yet to give up on that one.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Life Sucks At The Moment

Well, I have started my Mystery Stole, and frogged it several times. It is beginning to seem that lace just hates me to pieces. But I refuse to stop. I plan to start up once again, right after I get my housework done, and eat lunch. We are having pizza, yay!

As for my spining...I am on my third spindle of yarn. Getting ready to soak it and hang it out to dry. So I am very pleased with that.

Also I ordered my first spinning wheel, it is a Babe. Can't wait for it to get here.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

It Begins

Well, I have discovered I really like spinning. I even went out and bought a second spindle. My first ball of yarn has been wound, and it looks...sort of pretty. I will get a picture of it up soon. I plan to use it to knit a Booda bag. As it is felted and no one will see how my yarn is both small and large.

I am still working on the Icarus Shawl, and the Mystery Stole starts tomorrow. I really can not wait for it. The first clue will go up at 10:00 am their time, which means I won't get it till seven here. Which is okay, I plan to look it over and start it when I get back from the beauty shop, where I am getting my naturaly red hair done.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Went to Spinning Class

Well, I went to my spinning class today, and bought eight ozs of red jewel, and eight ozs of blue jewel. They are both kind of pretty. One I am going to make a stole out of the other, I have no idea. But I guess this means I have been bitten by the spinning bug...

Only thing is, boy am I tired. I can see why people use a wheel. I learned how to hand spin. My back and shoulders are hurting. But they say that if you sit it is easier. I will just have to wait and see I guess.

Spinnng Picture

Well, here it is, my new Drop Spinndle and roving. It is called Taffy Twist, and I am hoping to have it spun in time to knit a pair of Voodoo Handwarmers out of it.

Like I have the time, as I am still working on the Icarus Shawl, and I will be starting the Mystery Stole on Friday.

But lucky for me, there is only two more weeks of work, teaching summer school. Then I will be home to do whatever I want. Right after I take care of Lee. Like getting him to school, and watching him swim. But hey, I can knit and spin while he is in the pool? So things are looking up for my knitting time. Like I said, my first lesson is tomorrow, so I best get off and get some sleep.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Time to Undo

Well, I crowed too soon. I had to go back to my lifeline, and then I had to go back and start once more. But I shall not let it beat me. I will have an Icarus Shawl, even if I am ninety when I finish it.

My only problem is that I start The Mystery Stole next week. So that might slow Icarus up some. And as with everything, I am still wondering how all those people on the Mystery Kal, got all those perfect holes in thier knitting, it is driving me crazy.

Well tomorrow I am going to get batteries for my camera so that I can start putting up some nicer pictures than I can get with my phone camera. So I shall be able to show off my new drop spinndle and the really nice roving I got to learn how to spin with on Sunday.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Made it

Well, I finally made it to my first lifeline tonight, and am I ever so proud of myself. Only five more repeats and I can move on to the next chart. Not bad for my first lace shawl.

I will try and get a picture of it up by tomorrow.

Other than that, not much is happening, except Saddie got her feet all tangled up in my Shawl thread. It scared her and she was going to run, but I caught her in time. Only problem was she was under the chair outside, and I had a hard time getting to her, without snapping my yarn. Then she almost bit the yarn in half trying to get it off of her. But in the end I saved both Saddie and the shawl.

Seven more days till I learn to spin.

Been Awhile

Well, I have been kind of busy of late, and also I have had to frog my Icarus Shawl a couple of more times. But I now have gotten past row 25, which is a good sign for me. Also I made some new markers, and placed a little evil eye on them. Maybe it is all a mind set, but it seems to have been helping me of late.

Eight days and counting till I learn how to spin.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Yarn Has Arrived

Well, my yarn came today, while I was at work, and I have to addmit it not the purple I thought it would be. It is a little more blue, but I still like it, and think it will make a very nice mystery shawl.

I am planning on winding it tonight, and then doing my swatch, so that I will be ready for when it starts next month. I am kind of excited, and it will be my first time doing something like this.

I just hope I don't mess up and have to keep redoing it.

Still one more weekend till I learn to spin, and I can't wait. Only thing is, I am not sure what kind of yarn I will spin. But I am assuming the lady teaching the class will help there as well.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Two Orders of Yarn Coming

Well I have two different sets of yarn coming for my mystery stole. One should be here tomorrow, the other later this week or the start of next week. I am not sure yet which one I will use, but I have another shawl poking around in the back of my head for the Zepher(sp) yarn. It will be coming in silver gray color, while the one from Knit Picks will be Vineyard, and a purply color. I am leaning toward the purple one. But only because I like purple.

Only one weekend to live through and then I shall start leaning to spin, I am so excited, yay!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Going to Learn How To Spin

When I went to buy my needles for the Mystery Shawl, I found they had Spinning Needles. I hope that is right, and they also have spinning lessons. Both on the wheel and needle. I really don't have room for a wheel, nor the money for one. But I can afford a neddle, and the fiber. I am really excited about doing it.

Only problem is I have to wait almost two weeks till the next class. But I figure if I have waited this long...then I can wait the two weeks.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Haven't Got Much Done of Late

Well...I haven't had a chance to knit that much of late. I have order some other yarn for my Mystery Stole, so I will have to decided which one to use. Also what size needles. I have to admit it is starting to get a little scary. But everyone is helpful, and the yarn and needle sizes they are using are now up at the site, so that should help as well.

Other than that not much is going on, except tomorrow I will have to go and see about getting some more needles, as all of mine seem to have a project on them.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Cursed or Not?

I am beginning to think I am cursed, as everytime I get to the 31st or 33rd row of my Icarus Shawl...I make a mistake and have to start over once more. But I will not let it beat me, I am going to start over, again right after dinner, as I will not let it beat me!

I guess I am a little crazy right now.

As for the Mystery Stole, I have ordered some nice Shadow from Knit Picks, which should be here next week.. Just hope I do better on that one then the Icarus.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Not Much Done Today

Well, today has been kind of lazy day. But I did decide to join the Mystery Stole. I just need to get the yarn. I think I am going to use the Knit Pick yarn, Cloud. Someone else use it, and I liked the way it turned out. And it is very easy for me to get. I just have to make sure I order it soon. I am kind of nervous doing this, as I have only started to do lace knitting. Still working on my Icarus, and now starting this other one? I must be crazy.

Monday, June 12, 2006

New Picture

Yes this fuzzy black bat looking thing is my Icarus Shawl. The picture did not seem to come out right. But I am happy with it. I am now at row 22, and no mistakes. (knock on wood.)

After seeing all the nice finished ones on the Icarus Kal, it makes me want to get it done. But I know I have a ways to go. Oh, and I did join the Icarus Shawl Kal. Just haven't posted there yet. They all seem like such great knitters, and I have learned a lot from them, without speaking to them. Like using a life line, and the word frogged is now a part of my volcabulary.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Been Sick

Well, I haven't been feeling well of late, mostly a chest cold that does not want to to away. I have been knitting though. And my Icarus Shawl is not in its third form. Mainly because my order came from Knitpick, and it had some lovely yarn in it, and I messed up once more. So I thought it must be a sign, and once again started over in both a new yarn and color.

I will get some pictures up as well, as soon as it gets a little bigger. At first I didn't like this yarn it is a Alpaca Cloud, 100% Baby Alpaca, and the color is Midnight. But after working with it, I am beginning to like it.

Sorry this is short, but I am still not up to snuff. Write more later.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Messed Up Again

Well, once more I messed up on my shawl, and had to start over again. But the good thing I have the first eight rows memorized, or is that a bad thing?

I was hoping my yarn from Knitpicks would come today. For two reasons, I was temped to start over with the new yarn, so I am glad it didn't come, as then I would have to hunt up another projec for this yarn.

Feeling a little better, but not that much, thus this is going to be kind of short today. Will put up pictures as soon as I can get my Icarus Shawl going again.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Things Not Going My Way

I thought I would show some of my Harry Potter things that I knitted. This is my Golden Snitch, and a couple of the Puffs that I made.

Well, I have come with down with a summertime cold. Or the croup, and I have this rotten cough, and all I want to do is sleep. But it has not stopped me from working on my Icarus Shawl. I just curl up on the couch, turn the TV on, and knit. Almost done with the first chart.

The only bad thing, is that my son got awholed of the magazine where the pattern is, and torn it up. I still have the pattern, but the book has seen better days. So I went and ordered it of the web. They said they would mail it on the 22nd of this month. So life should get better then. Just kidding. Life is good all the time.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Once More

Well, here it is, my Icarus Shawl, in all its small glory. Well, it is bigger, as I took the picture when it was only at about eighteen rows. But I am happy with it, as I have not made any more mistakes with it. (knock on wood)I will put up more pictures of it when it is a little bigger.

The only other interesting thing to happen today, other than writting this about ten times as the site has been kind of off today...

I got my wooden swift and winder from Patternworks. Which means no more hunting down family members to help me wind yarn. Yay!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


This is Sadie, my reason for getting back into knitting. If not for her, I would of never started back up again. Thank goodness for short hair dogs. She gets very jealous, so I thought it best to include her in my next post.

I have given up on my Icarus Shawl, well at least till I got to a different yarn shop and bought some new yarn. The lady at the shop where I got the magazine Interweave Knit, talked me into using Mohair. It is a real pretty shade of lavender. But I have also decided that all Mole's should be shot before they ever become Mohair. Just kidding, when I was much younger, around second grade, a girl had a Mohair sweater and that is when I thought Mohair came from moles. Now I know it comes from Angora Goats.

So I am now knitting it with a different type of yarn, called Wool Gatto. I guess Bakersfield is not known for it vast and different styles of yarn. But just in case this doesn't work, I have some on order from Knitpick. Guess I am also not known for my patients. Thus I am going to start it one more time, in fact as soon as I end this post for the day. Which just happens to be now.

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Yarn Taster

This is Tohru, my Ragdoll Cat. She is my offical yarn taster. I mean I will be knitting, and then feel a pull on the yarn, and she is down there chewing on it. Nothing like knitting with yarn, wet with cat spit.

She was named after an amime I was watching at the time called Fruits Basket, and since she looked oriental, and that was the only name I could come up with at the time, she was called Tohru.

As for my Icarus Shawl...alas I had to start over with it, again. Not due to any mistakes...but because I caught the tail, I left a kind of long tail when I cast on, and pulled it off of the the needles. Sending it and the marker across the entire kitchen floor. And try as I might, I could not get it back on the needles. So I have started it again.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The First of Many

Well, this is it, the first of many. At Least I hope the first of many.

After looking around the web some, and seeing all the other blogs, I thought, why not? It would give me a place to talk about my knitting, mostly as my family is not that big into it. Well in a sense my neices and her friends are now. After seeing what I can make, and they can't knit. That was one of the reasons I stopped knitting, my family. They all thought you could buy better at the store. Thank goodness we got a small dog after our Lab, Belle pass away. Sadie is 3/4 Dachshund Hound, and the other fourth is Chihuahua. Thus I got back into it, as she needed sweather for the winter. After that, I discovered Harry Potter's scarves, and the rest is history.

I was soon on to sweaters, and from there to felted purse. Now my new love is lace. I started a Candle Flame, but have had to restart a lot. But then I discover the Icarus Shawl, and have set the Candle Flame aside till I get the Icarus done. And I have had to restart it a couple of times as well. But it is going right now, and I am happy with it.