After some time, and looking around, I have decided to start up my own blog. A nice little place to rant or talk about my on going knitting projects.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Time to Undo
My only problem is that I start The Mystery Stole next week. So that might slow Icarus up some. And as with everything, I am still wondering how all those people on the Mystery Kal, got all those perfect holes in thier knitting, it is driving me crazy.
Well tomorrow I am going to get batteries for my camera so that I can start putting up some nicer pictures than I can get with my phone camera. So I shall be able to show off my new drop spinndle and the really nice roving I got to learn how to spin with on Sunday.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Made it
I will try and get a picture of it up by tomorrow.
Other than that, not much is happening, except Saddie got her feet all tangled up in my Shawl thread. It scared her and she was going to run, but I caught her in time. Only problem was she was under the chair outside, and I had a hard time getting to her, without snapping my yarn. Then she almost bit the yarn in half trying to get it off of her. But in the end I saved both Saddie and the shawl.
Seven more days till I learn to spin.
Been Awhile
Eight days and counting till I learn how to spin.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
The Yarn Has Arrived

Well, my yarn came today, while I was at work, and I have to addmit it not the purple I thought it would be. It is a little more blue, but I still like it, and think it will make a very nice mystery shawl.
I am planning on winding it tonight, and then doing my swatch, so that I will be ready for when it starts next month. I am kind of excited, and it will be my first time doing something like this.
I just hope I don't mess up and have to keep redoing it.
Still one more weekend till I learn to spin, and I can't wait. Only thing is, I am not sure what kind of yarn I will spin. But I am assuming the lady teaching the class will help there as well.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Two Orders of Yarn Coming
Only one weekend to live through and then I shall start leaning to spin, I am so excited, yay!
Monday, June 19, 2006
Going to Learn How To Spin
Only problem is I have to wait almost two weeks till the next class. But I figure if I have waited this long...then I can wait the two weeks.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Haven't Got Much Done of Late
Other than that not much is going on, except tomorrow I will have to go and see about getting some more needles, as all of mine seem to have a project on them.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Cursed or Not?
I guess I am a little crazy right now.
As for the Mystery Stole, I have ordered some nice Shadow from Knit Picks, which should be here next week.. Just hope I do better on that one then the Icarus.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Not Much Done Today
Monday, June 12, 2006
New Picture

Yes this fuzzy black bat looking thing is my Icarus Shawl. The picture did not seem to come out right. But I am happy with it. I am now at row 22, and no mistakes. (knock on wood.)
After seeing all the nice finished ones on the Icarus Kal, it makes me want to get it done. But I know I have a ways to go. Oh, and I did join the Icarus Shawl Kal. Just haven't posted there yet. They all seem like such great knitters, and I have learned a lot from them, without speaking to them. Like using a life line, and the word frogged is now a part of my volcabulary.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Been Sick
I will get some pictures up as well, as soon as it gets a little bigger. At first I didn't like this yarn it is a Alpaca Cloud, 100% Baby Alpaca, and the color is Midnight. But after working with it, I am beginning to like it.
Sorry this is short, but I am still not up to snuff. Write more later.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Messed Up Again
I was hoping my yarn from Knitpicks would come today. For two reasons, I was temped to start over with the new yarn, so I am glad it didn't come, as then I would have to hunt up another projec for this yarn.
Feeling a little better, but not that much, thus this is going to be kind of short today. Will put up pictures as soon as I can get my Icarus Shawl going again.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Things Not Going My Way

I thought I would show some of my Harry Potter things that I knitted. This is my Golden Snitch, and a couple of the Puffs that I made.
Well, I have come with down with a summertime cold. Or the croup, and I have this rotten cough, and all I want to do is sleep. But it has not stopped me from working on my Icarus Shawl. I just curl up on the couch, turn the TV on, and knit. Almost done with the first chart.
The only bad thing, is that my son got awholed of the magazine where the pattern is, and torn it up. I still have the pattern, but the book has seen better days. So I went and ordered it of the web. They said they would mail it on the 22nd of this month. So life should get better then. Just kidding. Life is good all the time.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Once More

Well, here it is, my Icarus Shawl, in all its small glory. Well, it is bigger, as I took the picture when it was only at about eighteen rows. But I am happy with it, as I have not made any more mistakes with it. (knock on wood)I will put up more pictures of it when it is a little bigger.
The only other interesting thing to happen today, other than writting this about ten times as the site has been kind of off today...
I got my wooden swift and winder from Patternworks. Which means no more hunting down family members to help me wind yarn. Yay!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

This is Sadie, my reason for getting back into knitting. If not for her, I would of never started back up again. Thank goodness for short hair dogs. She gets very jealous, so I thought it best to include her in my next post.
I have given up on my Icarus Shawl, well at least till I got to a different yarn shop and bought some new yarn. The lady at the shop where I got the magazine Interweave Knit, talked me into using Mohair. It is a real pretty shade of lavender. But I have also decided that all Mole's should be shot before they ever become Mohair. Just kidding, when I was much younger, around second grade, a girl had a Mohair sweater and that is when I thought Mohair came from moles. Now I know it comes from Angora Goats.
So I am now knitting it with a different type of yarn, called Wool Gatto. I guess Bakersfield is not known for it vast and different styles of yarn. But just in case this doesn't work, I have some on order from Knitpick. Guess I am also not known for my patients. Thus I am going to start it one more time, in fact as soon as I end this post for the day. Which just happens to be now.
Monday, June 05, 2006
The Yarn Taster

This is Tohru, my Ragdoll Cat. She is my offical yarn taster. I mean I will be knitting, and then feel a pull on the yarn, and she is down there chewing on it. Nothing like knitting with yarn, wet with cat spit.
She was named after an amime I was watching at the time called Fruits Basket, and since she looked oriental, and that was the only name I could come up with at the time, she was called Tohru.
As for my Icarus Shawl...alas I had to start over with it, again. Not due to any mistakes...but because I caught the tail, I left a kind of long tail when I cast on, and pulled it off of the the needles. Sending it and the marker across the entire kitchen floor. And try as I might, I could not get it back on the needles. So I have started it again.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
The First of Many
After looking around the web some, and seeing all the other blogs, I thought, why not? It would give me a place to talk about my knitting, mostly as my family is not that big into it. Well in a sense my neices and her friends are now. After seeing what I can make, and they can't knit. That was one of the reasons I stopped knitting, my family. They all thought you could buy better at the store. Thank goodness we got a small dog after our Lab, Belle pass away. Sadie is 3/4 Dachshund Hound, and the other fourth is Chihuahua. Thus I got back into it, as she needed sweather for the winter. After that, I discovered Harry Potter's scarves, and the rest is history.
I was soon on to sweaters, and from there to felted purse. Now my new love is lace. I started a Candle Flame, but have had to restart a lot. But then I discover the Icarus Shawl, and have set the Candle Flame aside till I get the Icarus done. And I have had to restart it a couple of times as well. But it is going right now, and I am happy with it.